Mao Baptist Church Song Song

MBCSS, located in the Senapati District of Manipur India, was established in 1937 and is part of the Mao Baptist Churches Association. As a local church they serve spiritual needs and play a central role in meeting the physical needs of the surrounding community.

In addition to their efforts in Song Song, the leadership of MBCSS desires to use their resources to assist those in need outside their own local area, and have begun an effort to establish a work several hours to the north among the Hangya people.

CDI is working alongside these leaders to evaluate the needs of this target group, to conduct research to determine other efforts already underway, and to assist them in developing a long-term plan. Recently, CDI partnered with MBCSS to conduct a field survey among the Hangya to better understand their circumstances.

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Brookings, OR 97415-9732
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